We produce molded products since 1994.
Оur customers receive an individual color, texture and form of board to create unique interior.
Our own raw material base allows us to select the texture of moldings and panels. We have 350 types of finished goods, which are always in the warehouse for fast delivery.
Finitura Dekor works only with wholesale customers.

Any scope
of orders
of orders
Own mounting
Any color,
texture and form
texture and form
Popular items are stored in the warehouse
Measure moldings
and panels
and panels
Technical certificates
Свидетельство на товарный знак Finitura Dekor Разрешение на знак ГОСТ Р №5174_20.04.2016 Разрешение на знак ГОСТ Р №5298_08.11.2016 Сертификат соответствия РОСС RU.АЯ64.Н05174 Сертификат соответствия РОСС RU.АЯ64.Н05298 Сертификат соответствия РОСС RU.АЯ64.Н05299 Сертификат соответствия ССГБ RU.ПБ01.Н.00146